A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession. ~ Hippocrates
Alternative therapies that may help during the grieving process include the following:
Art Therapy - Drawing, painting, sculpting, or other creative activities provide a non-verbal way to express grief. When processing emotions that may be difficult to put into words, art therapy can help.
Music Therapy - Listening to, playing, or composing music can be a powerful way to connect with emotions. Certain sounds or songs may bring comfort, positive memories and a sense of connection to lost loved ones.
Aromatherapy - Diffusing oils, using scented candles, or applying oils during massage can provide comfort. Essential oils like lavender, frankincense, and rose can help calm emotions and promote relaxation.
Energy Healing (Reiki, Acupuncture, or Healing Touch) - Reiki and similar energy-healing techniques help balance the body’s energy fields, potentially easing emotional pain. Acupuncture may relieve physical symptoms of grief, such as tension and fatigue.
Meditation & Mindfulness - Guided meditation, breathing exercises, and body scans can help with emotional regulation. Such practices encourage presence in the moment and help to reduce overwhelming thoughts.
Yoga & Movement Therapy - Gentle movement, like yoga, tai chi, or dance therapy, helps release stored grief in the body. Specific poses (e.g., child’s pose, heart-openers) support emotional healing.
Journaling & Writing Therapy - Writing letters to a lost loved one, keeping a grief journal, or writing poetry can help process emotions. Such activities allow for reflection, expression, and sometimes even communication with the deceased in a symbolic way.
Hypnotherapy - Can help access subconscious emotions and facilitate healing, and may assist in processing trauma and reducing anxiety related to loss.
Animal-Assisted Therapy - Petting, feeding, or simply being around animals can reduce stress and loneliness. Interacting with companion animals or trained therapy animals can provide emotional support.
Crystal Healing - Some believe that, whether used in meditation, carried as a comfort object, or placed in the home, certain crystals (e.g., rose quartz, amethyst, black onyx) can help with emotional healing,
Sound Therapy (Singing Bowls, Chimes, or Binaural Beats) - Sound baths or listening to healing frequencies can promote calmness and clarity. Vibrational frequencies can help with emotional release and relaxation.
Nature Therapy (Ecotherapy & Forest Bathing) - Connecting with nature can provide a sense of renewal and peace. Spending time in nature, gardening, or walking in the woods can be grounding and healing.
Since each individual experiences grief differently, it’s important to find what resonates best. Sometimes, combining alternative therapies with traditional grief counseling or support groups can offer the most comprehensive healing approach.
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Related Resources:
- Alternative Health Medicine: Center for Health and Healing
- Alternative Healing: Yin and Yang of Caring for a Terminally Ill Child (Article by Lisa Buell)
- Alternative Therapies
- American Association Electronic Voice Phenomena
- American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine Blog
- Ancient Stardust (Psychic Laura Scott)
- Animals Are the Best Medicine (Article by Roberta Taylor, LPN)
- Articles by Belleruth Naparstek, Expert in PTSD and Innovator in Guided Imagery
- Art for Your Sake: Healing Artwork from Your Photos, by Digital Artist Nancy Gershman
- Association for Research and Enlightenment: Edgar Cayce
- Bereavement Artists: Celebrating the Life of a Loved One
- Best Psychic Mediums (Recommended by Psychic Medium Researcher Bob Olson)
- Beyond the Veil: Resource Center for Spiritual Seekers
- Body Mind Spirit (On-Line Holistic Health Magazine)
- Breathing Exercises for Living Life and Loving It
- Cancer, Chemo, and Guided Imagery (Article by Belleruth Naparstek)
- Center for Mind-Body Medicine
- Christine Duminiak, Spiritual Bereavement Recovery Specialist
- Concetta Bertoldi, Author and Psychic Medium
- Desktop Spa: The Web's First "Healer Application" by Belleruth Naparstek
- Do As One: Guided Breathing Meditations
- DrWeil.com: Official Web Site of Andrew Weil, MD
- Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing (Book by Carla Blowey)
- Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
- EFT Demonstration: Woman Mourning Mom’s Death (Video)
- EFT: Guided Healing (Susan Hannibal)
- EFT: Healing Attitudes about Grief & Loss (Video with Robert Smith)
- EFT: An Introduction
- EFT: Basic Instructions
- Emotions: How to Understand, Identify and Release Your Emotions by Mary Kurus
- EmpowHer | Strong Women Transforming Health
- Energy Healing Sessions with Resident Wolf (Video from EarthfireInstitute)
- Energy Psychology and Energy Psychotherapy
- Enhanced Healing through Relaxation Music
- Extraordinary Grief Experiences: Coping with Loss of a Loved One
- Extraordinary Experiences of the Bereaved: Incorporating into Personal Rituals of Remembrance
- Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Facing Death and Finding Hope: A Guide To The Emotional and Spiritual Care Of The Dying (Book by Christine Longaker)
- Family of Light: Channeling, Psychic Healing
- Finding the Energy to Heal (Maggie Phillips, Expert in Chronic or Persistent Pain)
- Franciscan Renewal Center (Scottsdale, AZ)
- Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased (Article by Vaughn Bell)
- Gifts from the Unknown: Using Extraordinary Experiences (Book by Louis LaGrand)
- God's Gift Of Love: After-Death Communications (Book by Christine Marie Duminiak)
- Grief and Belief Connection (Grief and Afterlife Author and Investigator Bob Olson)
- Grief and De-Grief: When Theory Meets Reality (Article by Lyn Prashant)
- Grief Beyond Belief: Faith-Free Support for Non-Religious Mourners
- Grief Dreams : How They Help Us Heal After the Death of a Loved One (Book by T.J. Wray)
- Guided Imagery, Guided Meditation: The Healing Waterfall
- Healing Affirmations by Charlene M. Proctor, PhD
- HealingDoc.com: Mind, Body, Spirit, Wellness Expert Dr. Carl A. Hammerschlag
- Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss (Book by James Van Praagh)
- Healing Touch International
- Health Journeys: Resources for Mind, Body and Spirit
- Hello from Heaven (Book by Bill Guggenheim & Judy Guggenheim)
- Holistic General Practitioner in NYC: Dr. Marina Gafanovich, MD, PC
- Holistic Learning Center, Spiritual Meditation and Healing: Transformations
- Holistic Medicine Web Page
- Homeopathic Educational Services
- Homeopathy Home
- Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma (Book by Allan L. Botkin and R. Craig Hogan)
- Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) for Grief Therapy
- The-Insight.com: A Spiritual Directory
- Intuitive Consultant Danielle Mackinnon
- James Van Praagh: Survival Evidence Medium
- John Edward: Psychic Medium, Author, Lecturer
- Jonathan Lewis: Psychic Medium
- Joyce Keller: Author, Psychic, After-Death Communications
- Klienwachter New Age New Thought Wisdom
- Life After Life: Dr. Raymond A. Moody
- LifeWords - for Those Who Have Lost Their Mates, by Marta Felber
- Love and Light: Grief Support through After-Death Communications
- Love Lives On: Learning from the Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved
- Love Never Dies: A Mother's Journey form Loss to Love
- Love Never Dies: A Mother's Journey from Loss to Love (Book by Sandy Goodman)
- Loving Connections: The Healing Power of After-Death Communications
- Max Highstein: Intuitive Consultant and Counselor
- Medium Allison DuBois
- Miraculous Moments: True Stories Affirming that Life Goes On
- MissingMother: Emotional and Spiritual Healing for Motherless Daughters
- Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF)
- Nervous System Energy Work (NSEW)
- OfSpirit.com: Holistic Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit
- Out of Body Experience Research Foundation (OBERF)
- Pet Therapy: Visiting Pets and Animal Assisted Therapy
- Pre-Death Ritual for Mable
- Psychic Medium Denise Lescano
- Psychics and Mediums
- The Reason - Help and Hope for Those Who Grieve (Book by Sally Grablick)
- Reiki Learning Center
- Re-membering Practices
- Seven Steps to Heaven, by Joyce Keller
- Sidran Institute: Traumatic Stress Education and Advocacy
- Signs from Our Loved Ones: Our Son Billy
- Slideshow: 27 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Health
- Somatic Experiencing®
- Somewhere In Between: The Hokey Pokey, Chocolate Cake, and The Shared Death Experience (Book by Lizzy Miles)
- Sonia Choquette: Revolutionary Psychic, Vibrational Alchemist, Healer and Teacher
- Soul Proof and Spirituality Information
- Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go (Book by Mark Ireland)
- Soulful Living: Spiritual and Personal Growth, Inspiration
- Spiritual Medium Christopher Stillar
- Spiritual Psychology: To Dance with Angels
- Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
- Suzanne Giesemann | Mystic, Medium, Afterlife Connections
- Talking with Angel: about Illness, Death and Survival (Book by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino)
- Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
- The Healing Life: Incorporating A More Holistic Way of Life
- Therapy Dogs: A Complete Guide
- Thought Field Therapy Center
- Tough Transitions: Navigating Your Way through Difficult Times (Book by Elizabeth Harper Neeld, PhD)
- Until We're Together Again ~ Lyrics by Katherine J. Cochran, Vocal by Tiffany Coburn
- We Are Their Heaven: Why the Dead Never Leave Us (Book by Allison DuBois)
- Within The Light - A Spiritual Institute and Wellness Ministry
© by Marty Tousley, RN, MS, FT