Best selections from Grief Healing's X feed this week:
While there's no single right way to navigate loss, for many, having support from others can make the grieving process a bit easier, research shows. A 2020 review analyzed over a dozen studies on bereavement groups for grief and depression symptoms. The findings showed that bereavement groups were slightly more effective than control groups immediately after treatment, meaning they provided some short-term relief for grief and depression symptoms. Group support might help you cope with grief, data shows « Cheny Free Press
"I’m asking you, dear reader, to take action today to help prevent a tragedy like the one I experienced. If you’ve endured a similar loss, please accept my deepest condolences. In my own grief, I’ve found some comfort in these efforts to prevent such tragedies from happening to others, and I hope that sharing my story will remind you that you’re not alone. By joining me in raising awareness, I hope you’ll find solace too. In memory of my beloved kitty, I encourage you to help keep pets safe. A blog post is here about my loss." Stop Preventable Pet Deaths: Demand Dryer Manufacturers Add Safety Sensors! «
Rising competition in the hospice space has fueled pivotal changes in end-of-life care delivery — both for better and for worse, according to Arizona-based Hospice of the Valley Executive Director Debbie Shumway. Hospice of the Valley: Redefining the End-of-Life Care Delivery Outlook « Hospice News
Charles’ raps were poetry from the soul, and I now recognize these deeply personal expressions as his therapy. After his death, these songs answered so many questions about the “why?” surrounding his suicide. Had I seen all of my son’s lyrics in 2014, I would have been alarmed by all the pain that stained every word, and my instinct would have been to insist on professional help. Toxic Positivity Doesn’t Fix Depression or Suicidal Thoughts « Speaking of Suicide
"I rushed downstairs and searched the Net, to find information on healing....and then psychic surgery...and then somehow I got to your site!!! I felt a compulsion to read many poems etc listed....and felt incredibly emotional and then amazingly at peace.... Thank you! Something incredible has happened tonight..and from feeling scared...I have felt whole again.........its time for me to write my experiences and those of my children's journeys....hopefully one day this will be published ...and can bring help to thousands of others.Thank you for being part of my journey." In Grief: "Time for Me to Write My Experiences" « Grief Healing
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