Patrick passed away less than two weeks before his 21st birthday. He even had his party organised. Instead, the family had to say their final goodbyes before Patrick could experience this coming-of-age milestone. A father's grief: 'There's always an empty seat at the table' « The Impartial Reporter
In an emotional personal essay, Jeni Driscoll shares how her garden helped her turn heartbreak into treasured memories. “As Both My Parents Were Dying, Gardening Eased My Grief… and Brought Me Back to Life” « Woman's World
This happened often over the next few months. Having lunch at the local taco joint or standing in line at the grocery store, I would be wearing my brave face, pretending to be fine, and my cherubic child would lean forward and announce, “Our baby died.” My 3-Year Old Helped Me Process My Stillbirth Grief « Huffpost
The first time I visited our nation's capital many years ago, I was struck by the extraordinary size and power (as well as the sheer number) of the beautiful and moving monuments to be found there. In a sense, the entire city serves as a monument to dead people, not only to help us remember past presidents and famous historical figures who have died, but also to honor those soldiers who have given their lives in service to our country. Take time to honor the fallen and remember their families on Memorial Day « Grief Healing
You may not need counselling or therapy if you are truly grieving; but you may well need it if you aren’t. Grief is a horror, and it’s supposed to be. Where grief has got stuck, or when it has still not even begun – that is when you might need a protected space, and time, and a good, receptive listener with whom you can find it in yourself to truly suffer the pain of your loss. Grief is horrible – but it’s supposed to be. « The Guardian
"It's now been six months since my mother died. In many ways it seems like worlds and eons since then, but in some ways not at all. I really miss her and talking to her every few days, as was our old routine. The problem I’m having is that I dream about her almost every night." Coping with Bad Dreams and Nightmares in Grief « Grief Healing
"My wife came home with a new Golden Retriver pup. I named him Joe. I still feel like I am betraying Copper for having this new dog. Naturally I have not bonded as well with this dog. Don't get me wrong, I take very good care of him but I tend to stand off a little with him out of some kind of loyalty that I feel for my deceased Copper. What can I do?" Pet Loss: When Prolonged Grief Prevents Bonding with Another Dog « Grief Healing
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