Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
Everyone's grief is different. Good intentions don't necessarily bring good advice. Giving advice can be a subtle route to power. Why You Can Ignore Advice About Grief « Psychology Today
The internet abounds with individuals claiming to be death doulas and grief guides who have no supervised clinical experience and nothing more than a boilerplate “certificate” confirming that they’ve paid the price and watched some online presentations. Think You're Certified as a Grief Guide or Death Doula? Think Again! « Death, Grief and Belief
Being thrilled when your friends and family are pregnant; but crumbling inside. One woman shares an infertility poem that outlines the grief of infertility. The Silent Grief of Infertility Poem « Motherly
MSU student Kirin Krafthefer created the site as a forum for MSU students to share their experiences from the campus shooting that left three students dead and five others critically injured. On ‘Spartan Stronger’ website, Michigan State students process their grief « Bridge Michigan
Today, palliative care is a growing subspecialtyopens in a new tab or window; yet, we face the challenge of limited numbers of specialty trained, certified experts, in the face of increasing demandopens in a new tab or window for our services. Death Literacy Among Healthcare Professionals Is Dismal « MedPageToday
I was worried that a couple of the huge trees behind our house might fall on it. One was a big cherry that had rot at the base and was aiming for the deck. The other was a gigantic red oak that leaned toward the house, and was so heavy it would crush it. I arranged with a tree service to cut them down, and, while they were at it, take out several others that might be a threat in the future. I thought it was the prudent thing to do. I still think so. Except for one tree. Grieving for a tree « The Review
"I've been with my fiance for almost two years. His mother passed away unexpectedly nine months ago, and he was the one to find her. I understand this is a significant emotional struggle for anyone. I've tried to be there for him as much as possible, but any time he loses his temper, it's usually taken out on me." Mother's Death Threatens Couple's Love Relationship « Grief Healing