Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
If Dog Mountain were just a joyful place where dogs can run around, or plop into a nice pond, it would still be pretty special – 150 dog-friendly acres in the scenic hills of northern Vermont. But there is much, much more to this story. It's actually a real tear jerker, sweet but sad. A dog lover's pilgrimage to Dog Mountain « CBS News
Led by Dr. Lauren DiMaio, an Assistant Professor of Music Therapy at TWU, the "Grief Choir" as she calls it aims to help any grieving person overcome their emotions through singing and music. Texas Woman's University music professor leads a different kind of grief support group « CBS News
The death of a pet can be a deeply painful experience. But acknowledging the way pet grief is different can help people find consolation. Why mourning a pet can be harder than grieving for a person « Daily MaverickNothing anyone says will make your pain go away when someone dies, but a professional can help you normalize, make sense of what you are experiencing. Grief comes with a range of complicated emotions that evolve and change over time. A professional can help you normalize and make sense of what you are experiencing. Grief counseling is a good alternative to medication when loved one dies « Florida Today
Putting plans in place can be as simple as ensuring check-ins for grieving students or allowing them to safely leave a classroom if they feel overwhelmed. 5 best practices for embedding bereavement and grief support in schools « K-12DIVE
"My daughter is 16. Her brother was 17 when he was killed three months ago. As we live where there is no other family she had to be the second one to identify his body. She won't talk. It's like he never existed." Teen Grief: Worried About My Daughter « Grief Healing
Unresolved grief and trauma are major contributors to substance abuse. Mourning the loss of the addiction is essential to recovery. The Role of Grief in Addiction « Psychology Today
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