Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
Loss during a pandemic can be complicated, especially when people haven't been able to gather as usual after a death, or to carry on traditions they normally would. Psychologist says pandemic complicates loss and grief « CBC News
As I recently typed out an email response to a friend of a poor woman who had lost a husband at sea, it occurred to me that it’s possible to distill the best advice into one single point: there are no rules, do what you need. Surviving Those Awful First Few Days of Grief « Psychology Today
Grief isn’t just about death – it’s about the loss and change we experience when the life we had is gone, and there’s a new one in its place. Niamh Fitzpatrick brings us through the grieving process. Wellbeing and grief « Law Society Gazette
If you have lost someone you loved deeply, and I know many of you have, the day when that someone’s death became a part of your life is forever marked as an involuntary, inescapable anniversary of grief. Anniversaries of grief bring lessons, opportunities to help « Albuquerque Journal
Grief and mourning arenot the same. Knowing the difference between these two concepts may just mean the difference between running through a maze of grief blindfolded compared to using a map to find your way out. Mourning isn't a way out of grief—it’s the only way through « Seniors Matter
The sibling bond is one of the longest attachments of life and one of the few relationships that can conceivably span an entire lifetime. The following open letter is for all the broken brothers and sisters who are just beginning their grief journey. An Open Letter To Grieving Siblings: How I Got Through The First Few Painful Years « MindBodyGreen
University of Michigan-led study says early lockdowns implemented in the first six months of the pandemic saved lives––but the research shouldn't be used to justify lockdowns now or to retroactively endorse that approach, says Olga Yakusheva, U-M associate professor of nursing. Lockdowns during early pandemic saved lives, but not a go-to strategy moving forward « University of Michigan News
Every bereavement is different, but the loss of a parent can feel particularly tough—here are things you can do to cope. Coping with the loss of a parent—how to deal with grief « Woman & Home
In Grief: Coping with Denial and Disbelief « Grief Healing
Hundreds of thousands of families lost loved ones over the last two years — to COVID-19, to cancer, to heart disease, to violence — and struggled to make sense of both their loss and the public health guidelines that shaped how and when they could engage in the rituals of death. The pandemic forced many to delay communal grieving. Why planning memorials now can help us heal. « Union Democrat
Managers and HR professionals need to recognise there is no ‘one size fits all’ way to support someone who has lost a loved one, says Phil Rimmer. When it comes to grief, compassion should be employers’ default approach « People Management
US psychology professor Mary-Frances O'Connor talks about her new book, The Grieving Brain, on the experience of losing a loved one and the lessons we can learn. ‘People struggle to understand grief, but it is a byproduct of love’ « The Guardian
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