Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
Two weeks ago, my cat unexpectedly passed away. Over the years, she’d become a real-deal dear friend, and in the midst of being isolated during the pandemic, my connection to her only grew stronger. 9 Tips for Grieving the Loss of a Pet During the Pandemic « Well+Good
You asked why your relationship to your hospice work was affected following the death of your dad. I think because every time you entered a patient's home and life it touched the scar in your heart from your father's death. It rubbed your grief wound. The Scar In Your Heart: Grief In End of Life Care « BK Books
These suggestions are from bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents, spouses and those who’ve lost parents in response to my question, “What did you do on special days to acknowledge your love one?” A Glimpse into Grieving in the New Year « Open to Hope
I am 25 years old and still living with my parents, to whom I am extremely close. Recently it has 'hit me' (although I knew this rationally, of course) that they will inevitably die, most likely during my lifetime. Since that moment I have been obsessed with this thought. Anticipating The Death of One’s Parents « Grief Healing
Now that Ive been a remarried widow for a whole week, I have questions. Lots and lots of questions. Just as there is no existing handbook for being widowed, there is no such handbook for how to be a widow who is remarried. Remarried Widow with Questions « Widow's Voice
Breaking up with a partner can be stressful, ongoing, and overwhelming. In this article we discuss three things you should know about breakup grief. Grief After a Breakup: Three Things You Should Know « What's Your Grief ?
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