Sunday, January 17, 2021

Understanding and Managing Grief & Pet Loss, January 10 - January 16, 2021

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

During 63 years of marriage we were a couple and now it was just me, flying solo. What did I need to survive and thrive? Assembling My Grief Survival Kit: What's In Yours? « Open to Hope 

Public misperception is a barrier between patients and palliative care. Based on the true story of a nurse practitioner’s experiences with patients and families facing serious and terminal illnesses, this film depicts the patient-centered interdisciplinary care that so many seriously ill patients need.  Film ‘The Elephant in the Room’ Shines a Light on Palliative Care « Hospice News

America's hospitals are supposed to be the center of scientific genius, but in stewarding the COVID-19 vaccine, many hospitals have been the center of poor management and cronyism.   Hospitals: Stop Playing Vaccine Games and Show Leadership « MedPage Today 

[A]fter a long year, it can be tough to keep your cool when you have to ask someone—yet again—to please wear their mask properly. So what can you do to prevent an explosion of anger, tears, or worse?  Keeping Your Cool When Patients Don't Take COVID Precautions Seriously « MedPage Today

Even after we’re able to hug and to hold one another and to bear witness in three dimensions when the pandemic recedes, we can take with us new ways to remember loved ones, share our pain, and offer support. 2020 Forced Us to Get Honest About Grief. Now What? « Glamour 

Grief doesn’t magically end at a certain point after a loved one’s death. Reminders often bring back the pain of loss. Grief: Coping with reminders after a loss « News Tribune

After giving up her dog to placate the man with whom she is living, a reader is consumed with grief, guilt and regret. Pet Loss: Relinquishment Leads to Unresolved Guilt  « Grief Healing  

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