Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
A fun and boisterously positive adult coloring book for anyone affected by cancer: "F*ck Cancer: A Totally Inappropriate Self-Affirming Adult Coloring Book" by Jen Meyers « Seven Ponds Blog
I've been thinking about what our immediate and most basic needs are in grief. I guess we could call them "basic grief needs." What's Your Most Basic Grief Need? « What's Your Grief?
Nothing is permanent in life. We are all changing. May we evolve in ways that make us more patient and kind. Life is a River « Widower's Grief
These are just a few tips for supporting grief for yourself and your family during this health crisis. Supporting Grieving Kids During Pandemic « The Dougy Center
"Can you lend your expertise and provide some resources that will aid in delivering hospice and palliative care to individuals and families who suffer with and alongside serious illness?" Caregiving in Serious Illness: Suggested Resources « Grief Healing
AARP Innovation Labs launched a new online tool detailing community resources for older adults and those most affected by the coronavirus pandemic: AARP Tool Helps Users Find Support Groups for COVID-19
"My partner's dad is dying and on the advice of his doctor he has been placed in hospice care. My mom passed 4 months ago today and I am still numb from that." In Grief: Helping My Partner Mourn His Dad When I'm Still Mourning My Mom « Grief Healing
"My dear, dear friend and her husband recently lost her two young children in a horrific accident. I so wish I could take some of her pain away. But, I just don't know how to help her." Helping A Friend with Child Loss « Grief Healing
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.
A fun and boisterously positive adult coloring book for anyone affected by cancer: "F*ck Cancer: A Totally Inappropriate Self-Affirming Adult Coloring Book" by Jen Meyers « Seven Ponds Blog
I've been thinking about what our immediate and most basic needs are in grief. I guess we could call them "basic grief needs." What's Your Most Basic Grief Need? « What's Your Grief?
Nothing is permanent in life. We are all changing. May we evolve in ways that make us more patient and kind. Life is a River « Widower's Grief
These are just a few tips for supporting grief for yourself and your family during this health crisis. Supporting Grieving Kids During Pandemic « The Dougy Center
"Can you lend your expertise and provide some resources that will aid in delivering hospice and palliative care to individuals and families who suffer with and alongside serious illness?" Caregiving in Serious Illness: Suggested Resources « Grief Healing
AARP Innovation Labs launched a new online tool detailing community resources for older adults and those most affected by the coronavirus pandemic: AARP Tool Helps Users Find Support Groups for COVID-19
"My partner's dad is dying and on the advice of his doctor he has been placed in hospice care. My mom passed 4 months ago today and I am still numb from that." In Grief: Helping My Partner Mourn His Dad When I'm Still Mourning My Mom « Grief Healing
"My dear, dear friend and her husband recently lost her two young children in a horrific accident. I so wish I could take some of her pain away. But, I just don't know how to help her." Helping A Friend with Child Loss « Grief Healing
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.