Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
Experts discuss honoring loved ones lost to COVID-19 and the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on communities of color. Thrive With Your Family: Coping With Loss and Grief « The University of Michigan
By the nature of their work, hospice providers confront mortality more frequently than clinicians in other settings. As more clinicians in other health care settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes, encounter more patient deaths than ever before due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospices are bringing their expertise in bereavement to support health care workers and their communities at large. Hospices Step Up Grief Care to Support Providers in Other Settings « Hospice News
For the last decade, I have been preparing myself for the BIG death; the earth-shattering, life-changing, my world will never be the same, death. The type of event that hits so quickly, felt so deeply, that your entire body goes into auto-drive. The Invisible Hierarchy of Grief « The Grief Dialogues
When our loved ones are grieving, the initial impulses are all physical — offer a hug, hold their hand, sit close in grief and maybe even share a tissue. But social distancing makes these simple gestures an impossibility. How Can You Comfort Grieving Family Members During the Pandemic? « She Knows
As a therapist, I’ve learned that ultimately, all therapy is grief therapy—the knowledge that in this lifetime, we’re always dealing with loss of some kind: loss of identity, loss of innocence, loss of dreams, loss of a loved one. A Grief Therapist Faces Grief - 6 Truths for When the Pain Cannot Be Contained
« Chabad
It doesn’t appear that many people focus on child loss and grief and yet a child grieves losses in just as deep a manner as any adult. With children, however, it is hard to see their grief. Lost and Found in the Time of Pandemic: Children, Loss, and Grief « Psych Central
Grief is a challenging emotion to deal with on the easiest of days. When you are sad, tired, angry, depressed, or anxious while everyone else around you is happy, excited, and making plans, it makes it feel as if you are the only person on earth. A Vacation From Grief « Heal Grief
Regardless of the day, most people will not bring up the fact that your child died because it is too awkward for them. They are not sure if they should acknowledge this day. Let me resolve this confusion: you should acknowledge Father’s Day. It certainly isn’t a “Happy” Father’s Day. So, what should people say or do? Father's Day Void « Grief Watch
Loved ones may not be able to physically show up for us in the way they would have in a pre-pandemic world. So if you’re grieving, what you can do? How do you properly grieve while so isolated in quarantine? Below are a few resources to help make sense of your grief in this unusual and anxious time: Resources For Grieving In The Time Of Covid-19 « Forbes
My girlfriend and I got pregnant about two months ago. She went and took the abortion pill yesterday.I begged her not to, to marry me and have this child. But she said no. Disenfranchised Grief: In The Wake of Girlfriend's Abortion « Grief Healing
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.
Experts discuss honoring loved ones lost to COVID-19 and the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on communities of color. Thrive With Your Family: Coping With Loss and Grief « The University of Michigan
By the nature of their work, hospice providers confront mortality more frequently than clinicians in other settings. As more clinicians in other health care settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes, encounter more patient deaths than ever before due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospices are bringing their expertise in bereavement to support health care workers and their communities at large. Hospices Step Up Grief Care to Support Providers in Other Settings « Hospice News
For the last decade, I have been preparing myself for the BIG death; the earth-shattering, life-changing, my world will never be the same, death. The type of event that hits so quickly, felt so deeply, that your entire body goes into auto-drive. The Invisible Hierarchy of Grief « The Grief Dialogues
When our loved ones are grieving, the initial impulses are all physical — offer a hug, hold their hand, sit close in grief and maybe even share a tissue. But social distancing makes these simple gestures an impossibility. How Can You Comfort Grieving Family Members During the Pandemic? « She Knows
As a therapist, I’ve learned that ultimately, all therapy is grief therapy—the knowledge that in this lifetime, we’re always dealing with loss of some kind: loss of identity, loss of innocence, loss of dreams, loss of a loved one. A Grief Therapist Faces Grief - 6 Truths for When the Pain Cannot Be Contained
« Chabad
It doesn’t appear that many people focus on child loss and grief and yet a child grieves losses in just as deep a manner as any adult. With children, however, it is hard to see their grief. Lost and Found in the Time of Pandemic: Children, Loss, and Grief « Psych Central
Grief is a challenging emotion to deal with on the easiest of days. When you are sad, tired, angry, depressed, or anxious while everyone else around you is happy, excited, and making plans, it makes it feel as if you are the only person on earth. A Vacation From Grief « Heal Grief
Regardless of the day, most people will not bring up the fact that your child died because it is too awkward for them. They are not sure if they should acknowledge this day. Let me resolve this confusion: you should acknowledge Father’s Day. It certainly isn’t a “Happy” Father’s Day. So, what should people say or do? Father's Day Void « Grief Watch
Loved ones may not be able to physically show up for us in the way they would have in a pre-pandemic world. So if you’re grieving, what you can do? How do you properly grieve while so isolated in quarantine? Below are a few resources to help make sense of your grief in this unusual and anxious time: Resources For Grieving In The Time Of Covid-19 « Forbes
My girlfriend and I got pregnant about two months ago. She went and took the abortion pill yesterday.I begged her not to, to marry me and have this child. But she said no. Disenfranchised Grief: In The Wake of Girlfriend's Abortion « Grief Healing
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.