Sunday, June 14, 2020

Caregiving & Understanding and Managing Grief, June 7 - June 13, 2020

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

A program designed to incorporate hospice and palliative care principles into undergraduate and graduate nursing education could help make a difference in ongoing staffing shortages in those fields. Palliative Care Nursing Curriculum Could Impact Staff Shortages « Hospice News

The Coronavirus is not only serious, it's a pandemic. Like grief, COVID-19 is powerful, persistent and painful; it makes us fearful. Grief has already made us more vulnerable so this is a rough combination. When Grief and Coronavirus Collide « AfterTalk

Loss that stems from a chronic or lingering illness, that is sudden and unexpected, or happens as a result of an accident or a fire, a natural or a national disaster, an abortion, a suicide, a homicide, domestic violence, abandonment, incarceration, relinquishment of a baby through adoption ~ any loss that produces a complex and difficult ending ~ can be considered traumatic. Coping with Traumatic Loss: Suggested Resources « Grief Healing

An expert on grief and bereavement talks about collective grief during Covid-19 and how to support people who are mourning. Covid-19: A grief expert explains how to process the “unfathomable amount of loss” « Inverse

Guest columnist Stephanie Richman was scheduled to get married in Juneau, Alaska, during a week-long wedding cruise set to sail on July 21. The coronavirus pandemic has thrown a wrench into those plans. What about my wedding? Pandemic uncertainty leads to ambiguous loss and grief «

A letter came. The nursing home in Kansas City was closing its doors to outsiders, including family members due to a coronavirus case. My 92-year-old mother, Ella Marie, lived there in a private room. Would that protect her? Grief, Interrupted by COVID-19 « Keep The Faith Magazine

As the province, country and world deals with COVID-19, families have been separated during some of the most painful moments in life — the death of a loved one. Grief in isolation: How COVID-19 has changed the way we mourn « CBC News

The team at Canadian Virtual Hospice has gathered links on COVID-19 that may be useful to people working in healthcare and to members of the public who are living with an advanced illness or who are caring for someone with an advanced illness. COVID-19 Resources  « Canadian Virtual Hospice

I know that I won't be able to make it back home for [my grandmother's] approaching funeral and I am really not at ease with this idea. What are the tips to deal with this? In Grief: Missing Grandmother’s Funeral « Grief Healing

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