
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Understanding and Managing Grief, December 1 - December 7, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Few readers may realize how heavy a toll is taken by suicide during the years of high school, college, and young adulthood. Suicide in the Young, « AfterTalk Weekly

Yes. I know. I have a funny thing about time. And dates. I take time to reflect on time and what time is, or might be. It's About Time « Soaring Spirits International

This is the third story in a four-part weekly series on meditation, including its benefits for pain management, mental health and overall well-being. How Meditation Can Ease the Path of Grieving, « NextAvenue

From around the world, widowers have shared with us a Christmas wish list of the gifts they would love to receive. Read ahead to get the list. A widower’s Christmas wish list « National Widowers' Organization

We no longer feel comfortable naming death, and we’ve forgotten how to support the dying and bereaved, says palliative care physician Kathryn Mannix. Enough of the euphemisms. Let’s talk about death openly and honestly, « The Guardian

Grief is hard. Handling grieving when you have kids is harder. Here are some tips for managing: Tips for Dealing with Grief When You Have Kids, « TAPintoEastOrange

Seniors are particularly susceptible to the effects of grief: Older people more frequently suffer the loss of a friend or family member. If that family member happens to be a spouse, grief can be all-consuming. If you’re weighed down by grief as the result of loss, Medicare can help.  Medicare provides benefits for people dealing with grief; here’s what you need to know about Medicare and grief counseling. How Medicare Covers Grief Counseling, « HealGrief

"It's been nine months since my wife and best friend of 57 years died. I still have my bad days, but I am noticing now that the good days outnumber the bad days." In Grief: Self-Care As A Way Of Paying Homage, « Grief Healing

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