Sunday, September 15, 2019

Caregiving & Grief Tweets, September 8 - September 14, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
5 Myths about Grief You May Believe, « Psychology Today

The NIH just appointed a dentist and a biologist to lead the NINR (National Institute of Nursing Research). Non-nurses aren't qualified to evaluate grants for nursing research! Please join in asking the NIH to recall these two appointments and appoint nurses now, « The Truth About Nursing

Chasing My Cure: A Doctor's Race to Turn Hope into Action: After nearly dying five times, a young doctor learned to treat himself, « STAT

The Group: Seven Widowed Fathers Reimagine Life: A book that speaks honestly and in detail about being a widowed father, « Widower's Grief

Her best friend vanished without a trace that day. But the mark she made on her life has been indelible: 10 Lessons I Learned from My Friend's 9/11 Death, « Modern Loss

Losing Someone Doesn't Make Me A Resident Grief Expert, « Too Damn Young

Providing unpaid care for a family member can lead to physical, mental, and emotional strain, but certain lifestyle changes can make the experience far better for everyone involved. The Caregiver’s Handbook: An Online Resource for Caring for a Loved One, « EDUMED

The power of grief support, « The Valley Times-News

On Grief and the Movies We Watch to Get Through It, « Pajiba

A reader asks Dr. Neimeyer this most fundamental of questions, What is the Meaning of Life? « AfterTalk

Voices of Experience: Why Are We So Afraid to Cry? « Grief Healing

One Less Present to Wrap, « The Grief Dialogues 

End-of-Life Conversations: Advice from a Palliative Care Physician - Q and A with Laura Shoemaker, DO, « Consult QD 

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