Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
A number of resources focusing on various types of trauma, separated into broad categories,: Coping with Traumatic Loss: Suggested Resources « Grief Healing
Mom Needs Hospice? Here are your questions to choose the right one... « BK Books
Misplaed your car keys? Keep losing your train of thought mid-sentence? As disorienting as these experiences may be, such forgetfulness in grief is normal. 64 Tips for Coping With Forgetfulness in Grief, « What's Your Grief?
Palliative care is the active holistic care of individuals across all ages with serious health-related suffering due to severe illness, and especially of those near the end of life. It aims to improve the quality of life of patients, their families and their caregivers. Palliative Care Definition, « International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
There are many sites on the Internet dealing with making handspun yarn from your pet’s hair ~ and someone has even written a book on the subject. Pet Loss: Keepsake Yarn Spun From Pet Hair, « Grief Healing
Book Review: A small special gift for the bereaved: Sex After Grief: Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved, « Edge Radio
After five months as a widow, I feel this intense sense of not fitting into my life, or house, or social sphere, or anywhere. Grief showing a new face? Five Months and Not Fitting, « The Artful Caregiver
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.
A number of resources focusing on various types of trauma, separated into broad categories,: Coping with Traumatic Loss: Suggested Resources « Grief Healing
Mom Needs Hospice? Here are your questions to choose the right one... « BK Books
Misplaed your car keys? Keep losing your train of thought mid-sentence? As disorienting as these experiences may be, such forgetfulness in grief is normal. 64 Tips for Coping With Forgetfulness in Grief, « What's Your Grief?
Palliative care is the active holistic care of individuals across all ages with serious health-related suffering due to severe illness, and especially of those near the end of life. It aims to improve the quality of life of patients, their families and their caregivers. Palliative Care Definition, « International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
There are many sites on the Internet dealing with making handspun yarn from your pet’s hair ~ and someone has even written a book on the subject. Pet Loss: Keepsake Yarn Spun From Pet Hair, « Grief Healing
Book Review: A small special gift for the bereaved: Sex After Grief: Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved, « Edge Radio
After five months as a widow, I feel this intense sense of not fitting into my life, or house, or social sphere, or anywhere. Grief showing a new face? Five Months and Not Fitting, « The Artful Caregiver
Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.