Monday, April 29, 2019

In Grief: Supporting the Survivor of Suicide Loss

Find an updated version of this post here:

A reader writes: Six months ago I learned that a dear friend’s husband died by suicide. He was found hanging in their garage. As horrible as that was, I’ve just been told that yesterday their 17-year-old son took his own life too, and in the very same way. We are all in a state of shock. I don’t know what I can do to help her. I don’t even know where to begin. Would you have any suggestions or words of wisdom for me?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Understanding and Managing Grief, April 21 - April 27, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Out of Grief Comes Faith, « The Grief Dialogues

Grief After Accidents, Suicide, and Other Sudden Losses, « Crossroads

Why losing a dog can be harder than losing a relative or friend, « AfterTalk

Monday, April 22, 2019

Voices of Experience: A Glimpse of Life After Loss

By Sharon McCuistian

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.  ~ Havelock Ellis

After the sudden, unexpected death of her husband, Sharon Ellis McCuistian found herself a widow at the age of 48. With two grown children in college, Sharon had to find a way to live in her new reality. She turned to the things she loved to help in her journey through grief: faith, family, friends, and her love of words. Writing became the cathartic venue by which she began to process her loss. That writing grew into her blog, Now Choose Life, where the following post first appeared. It is reprinted here with her permission.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Caregiving and Hospice, April 14 - April 20, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Caring for a Loved One: The Letter Every Caregiver Should Write, « Grief In Common

8 Things to Consider Regarding End of Life Pain Management, « BK Books

How to Find the Right Words for Someone in Hospice, « Next Avenue

Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here.

Understanding and Managing Grief, April 14 - April 20, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Out of Grief Comes Emotion, « The Grief Dialogues

Grief Mistakes, « Soaring Spirits International

The Griever's Bill of Rights, « Refuge In Grief

Monday, April 15, 2019

In Grief: What's Age Got To Do With It?

[Reviewed and updated March 24, 2022]

If you were 12 years old, no one would believe it odd that you would grieve the loss of your mom, so why do we assume it is easier 50 years later?  Those 50 additional years carry even more shared memories.  ~ Kenneth Doka

A reader writes: I am writing because I had a negative interaction with a store clerk about the death of my mother and I am stunned at how sensitive I am to the insensitivity of strangers. I need some kind of reality check.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Understanding and Managing Grief, April 7 - April 13, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

What not to say to a bereaved person, « AK Lander

Recognizing The Vital Role of Hospice Volunteers, « Grief Healing

My Sudden-Onset Only Child Syndrome, « Modern Loss

Monday, April 8, 2019

Caregiving and Grief in Alzheimer's and Dementia: Suggested Resources

[Reviewed and updated February 22, 2025]

Grief is the constant yet hidden companion of Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias.  ~ Kenneth J. Doka

A hospice colleague writes: We are preparing a program on issues of caring for those with dementia (and their caregivers) who are bereaved, as well as caring for the bereaved whose loved ones had dementia. If you find any relevant material on these issues, I would appreciate anything you can share.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Caregiving and Hospice, March 31 - April 6, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Hospice of the Valley program offers the dying solace, companionship, « AZCentral

Growing Old Is Better With a Pet. Here's Why, « TIME

Palliative Care instead of “pseudomedicine” for dementia? «

Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below. If you’d like Grief Healing Blog updates delivered right to your inbox, you’re cordially invited to subscribe to our weekly Grief Healing Newsletter. Sign up here

Understanding and Managing Grief, March 31 - April 6, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Out of Grief Comes Spirit, « The Grief Dialogues

Did my child die because I lacked faith? « emotionally naked

3 Suicides Last Month Connected to School Shootings,  « Seven Ponds Blog

Monday, April 1, 2019

When Grief Affects Performance At Work

Find an updated version of this post here: 

A reader writes: This past year was a very difficult one for me and my family.   My father was diagnosed with a terminal illness and passed 7 months later. The day he died my mother-in-law was hospitalized and a few days later we found out she had stage 4 cancer and had only a few months left. She died 2 months later.