Sunday, June 10, 2018

Understanding and Managing Grief, June 3 - June 9, 2018

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Tell Me About Those Left Behind by Brandy Lidbeck, « The Gift of Second

To a deeply depressed mother, suicide isn't selfish: Kate Spade probably thought she was relieving her loved ones of a burden, « NY Daily News 

I’d love to say something enticing, like: do this 1 thing and you’ll see a 200% increase in your grieving friend’s satisfaction w your support skills! But that's odd. So – if you really want to support a grieving friend or family member, watch this tv clip, « Refuge in Grief

What not say to someone who is dying, « Patient

Feed the Soil, « Dr. Annette Childs

These Shades of Pink, « Soaring Spirits International

Survivor: Connecting to Past Losses, « Grief Compass

Supporting Kids Who Can't Remember Their Dads This Father's Day, « What's Your Grief?

“Men Do Cry!” – A Poem,  « Grieving Dads

A High School Student Asks: How to Deal with Grief, « Grief Healing

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