Sunday, December 4, 2016

Understanding and Managing Grief, November 27 - December 3, 2016

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Life Lessons After Death: A Doctor Explains Her Own Healing At TEDMED, « Fast Company

Anxiety Attacks in Grief: Tools for Coping, « Grief Healing

Loving My Son, After His Death, « New York Times

Doulas help families through death, too, « Sydney Morning Herald

Eight-Step Program for Mastering Grief (and other important nuances), « What's Your Grief?

Understanding death and dying: Ages and stages, « Canadian Virtual Hospice

On Healing Trauma at Age 65, « Bob Livingstone

An Interview Discussing Life After Suicide, « The Gift of Second

In Grief: “Being There” for Someone in Mourning, « Grief Healing

Bear with Hope, hanging on to hope in tough times, « Bear with Hope

Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to leave a comment or a question, or share a tip, a related article or a resource of your own in the Comments section below.
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