Sunday, May 24, 2015

Caregiving and Hospice, May 17 - May 23, 2015

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Email to Jeb Bush: What He (and All of Us) Can Do in the Fight Against Alzheimer's, « Maria Shriver

Dying Matters for Friends, Too, « Victoria Noe

Teenage Angst and Suicide: Don’t Blame Parents, « Bob Livingstone, LCSW

How Americans' Refusal to Talk about Death Hurts the Elderly, « Vox

Chemotherapy, Expectations and Heavy Machinery, « Stan Goldberg, PhD

Liz O'Donnell: A Letter to My Fellow Caregivers, « HuffPost Post 50

Unsolicited Advice and Opinions – A Caregiver’s Nightmare, « iSenior Solutions

Benefits of Writing Through Caregiving and Loss, « iSenior Solutions

Hospice of Michigan program allows patients to fight to live, « Detroit Free Press

Beautiful! Hospice through The Eyes of a South Jersey Nurse, « Press of Atlantic City

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