Sunday, May 17, 2015

Caregiving and Hospice, May 10 - May 16, 2015

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Assisted-suicide debate puts palliative, hospice care in spotlight, « Modern Healthcare

Interview: How Do Caregivers Enjoy Time with Alzheimer's Patients? « Seven Ponds Blog

Overkill: America’s Epidemic of Unnecessary Care - Atul Gawande, « The New Yorker

Pet Talk: Program eases hospice patients' concern for pets, « The Oregonian

The Ethics for Doctors in Helping a Patient Die, « The New York Times

Beautiful: The Long Goodbye, « HuffPost GPS for the Soul

Compelling: My Wife's Struggle With Cancer, « Esquire

Yes! Celebrate nurses week by stopping the customer satisfaction nonsense,« GeriPal

6 Reasons You Should Be Thinking More About Death, « The Death Projects

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