
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Caregiving and Hospice, November 23 - November 29, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

"We signed 4 DNR orders this month and you're telling me you did CPR on her?" « It's OK to Die

Who Will Speak for Superheroes When They Get Sick? « Pallimed

Dealing with Discouragement in Caregiving, « The Caregiver Space

Understanding and Managing Grief, November 23 - November 29, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Give Thanks for the Teachings of Trees, « Elaine Mansfield

Brilliant: What No One Ever Told Me About Grief, « Open to Hope

Random Acts of Kindness, « Open to Hope

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Caregiving and Hospice, November 9 - November 22, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Hospice is an ally for patients with dementia and their caregivers, «

A letter to Dr. Oz for his inbox, « Kevin, MD

Lessons from the Stage: A Lesson About Patient Communication Learned in an Improv Class, « GeriPal

Understanding and Managing Grief, November 9 - November 22, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day - Letter to a Father « AfterTalk

8 Tips to Help Someone Grieving During the Holidays, « eHospice

Equine Therapy: Using Horses As A Healing Tool, « Philippi Center

Coping with Pet Loss, November 9 - November 22, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

We Talk Pet Hospice and Palliative Care with Coleen Ellis, « Catster

A Tribute to Sophie, My Fur Kid, « Jim Joseph, HuffPost Healthy Living

Monday, November 10, 2014

Coping with the Holidays: Suggested Resources 2014

[Most recent update: Sunday, December 28, 2014]

Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?  ~ Charlie Brown

A reader writes: I'm in a very bad place. Numbness is still huge. But pain is in my heart too. The holidays are weighing on my heart so heavily. It's very hard to get up every day. And very hard to get through very dark long lonely nights. Honestly the only reason I am functioning for the holidays is for my two grandsons. They are the reason I still breathe in and out each day. I look at their faces and they are the reason to keep trying. It's so hard though to put on a smile. It's so hard to breathe in and out. Do you have any special tips on coping with the holiday season?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Veterans Day 2014

Our country has established two holidays ~ Veterans Day and Memorial Day ~ to honor the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States. Unlike Memorial Day (the day we set aside to remember and honor military personnel who died in the service of our country), Veterans Day is intended to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military, in wartime or peacetime, as well as those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. Veterans Day is our opportunity to thank Veterans and their families for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served ~ not only those who died ~ have sacrificed and done their duty.

Caregiving and Hospice, November 2 - November 8, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

5 Signs of Alzheimer's That Sometimes Show Up Before Memory Loss, «

Approaching the Question of Faith or its Absence in End of Life Care, « Barbara Karnes Books, Inc.

With gratitude to nurses everywhere: Big Medicine, « Rx for the Soul

Understanding and Managing Grief, November 2 - November 8, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Grief In The Second Year: Finding Your Way, « Grief Healing Blog

Covering the Basics of the Brain, Grief and Music, « What's Your Grief?

Insightful! On remembering the whole story in grief: Olive, « Grief Watch

Monday, November 3, 2014

Voices of Experience: Looking Back

Jim Gorman
By Anne M. Gorman

The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.  ~ Unknown

Anne Gorman and her beloved Jim were married for 40 years until his death on May 25, 2012 from Alzheimer’s disease. With the help of their Hospice of the Valley team in Phoenix, Arizona and the private nurse they hired, they were able to prepare ~ as best as one can in such circumstances ~ for the end of his life, and to fulfill his wish to die at home. Anne decided to mark the 29-month anniversary of Jim’s death by taking a careful look back at her own grief journey: remembering where she was in the beginning, noticing how far she’s come, and pondering what she has learned in the more than two years since her beloved died. She agreed to share her insights here, with the hope that the lessons she has learned will inspire others as they find their own way through grief.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Caregiving and Hospice, October 26 - November 1, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Why Hospice Social Workers Should Assess Pain, « Pallimed

The Right—and Right Time—to Die: How Doctors Should Help, « TIME

Don't just do something, stand there... why it's too soon for talk of physician aid in dying, « GeriPal

Understanding and Managing Grief, October 26 - November 1, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Lovely: On the Ways Life Changes For A Surviving Spouse: La Belle Indifference, « Washingtonian

Scrabble, the body, and grief: a long story [but a good one!], « Refuge in Grief

Halloween and Grief – When The Nightmare Is Too Real, « Refuge in Grief

Coping with Pet Loss, October 26 - November 1, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Don't Go: In Praise of the Occasional Wallow, « Will My Dog Hate Me?

Death of a Pit Bull, « Spirit Scraps