
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Caregiving and Hospice, April 20 - April 26, 2014

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

NPR's This American Life takes a look at hospice and end-of-life care on this week's episode 523: 'Death and Taxes,' « eHospice

Awesome! The Documents You Need, When You Need Them, « Paula Span, The New Old Age, The New York Times

Communicating with Healthcare Professionals? How to Stand Your Ground and Get What You Need, « by Dr. Arlene Houldin, The Caregiver Space

Interview with Amy Tucci of HFA: Death is hard, but hospice can help patients and families, « WRVO Public Media

Important: Communication—the forgotten palliative care emergency, « by Mark Pickering and Rob George, BMJ

Yikes. A cancer patient's vivid description of getting Round 1 of Chemotherapy, « by Nicky Boardman, Too Upbeat for Cancer

Care for patients’ families is part of hospice prescription, « by Glenn Evans, Texas News-Journal

Beyond amazing: Domo Arigato, Dr. Emoto, « Einstein's Gifts

Letting Go: A Lesson On Love: A son's beautiful story of love and acceptance in the face of his father's Alzheimer's disease, « by Dr. Daniel Potts, Maria Shriver Blog

How a hospice model can save American health care, « by Dr. James Salwitz, Kevin MD

A Good Death: How Boomers Will Change the World a Final Time, « by Dan Kadlec, TIME

Well said! Why we all need to have end of life conversations, « by Harvey Max Chochinov, The Globe and Mail

Who are we to judge? There But The Grace of God, « by Barbara Karnes, RN

Caring Connections in hospice, « by Maggie Vescovich, Caring Connection

Keeping the Secret of A Terminal Prognosis, « by Marty Tousley, Grief Healing Blog
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