Saturday, February 23, 2013

Understanding and Managing Grief, February 17 - February 23, 2013

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

When the Loved One You Cared For Dies, What Comes Next? via @NextAvenue

Being Stoic for Spouse's Sake Comes at High Cost, via @HotWidow

Study finds being stoic after child loss not good for marriage, via @routledgemh

Don't turn the experience of grief into the mental disorder of depression, via @AllenFrancesMD

Child Loss: Grief Makes You a Liar and I've been lying to everyone in my life,

Fly High Angels: tribute to four grandchildren who died in a house fire,

Grief and Buddhism: Comfort in Impermanence, « What's Your Grief?

Left Behind to Carry On: The Five Remembrances, « Two Old Horses And Me

Teen Struggles with Reaction to Dad's Death, « Grief Healing Blog

Grief's Awful Memories and Anniversary Reactions, by Harriet Hodgson

Weekend update features discussion on 'letting go' and 'forgetting' by @GriefHealing « What's Your Grief?

Excellent! Hope: How to Find It,
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