Saturday, February 23, 2013

Caregiving and Hospice, February 17 - February 23, 2013

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Therapy Helps For Traumatized Caregivers, from @PureEssenceLabs via @nytimeshealth

Reclaiming Your Life: National Email Newsletter for @LeezaGibbons Memory Foundation,

Euthanasia’s Euphemisms, via @_lizzy_ « First Things

For the hearing impaired: How to Turn On Subtitles When Watching Movies at Home,

Hospice: transitioning from a curative medical model to a life-enhancing one, via @hospicepharmacy
Doctors have a duty to encourage patients to discuss end-of-life wishes, via @ALSAssistiveTec

eHospice Introduces new hospice smartphone app, from @ThElizabethHosp via @JenMarsh2

Hospice of Michigan unveils mobile app to connect caregivers, patients, family, from @Altarum via @CBSDetroit

Working in hospice is not what it used to be: A Nurse's Frustration,

Making Opportunities to Educate about Hospice and Palliative Care, « GeriPal

8 Ways Hospice Care Can Benefit Your Loved One at End of Life,

Saying Goodbye to a Dying Loved One, «

Really helpful: Talking to dad about driving, « Caregiver Stress

JAMA artcle- More at home deaths for Medicare patients, but more attention to patient preferences needed at end-of-life,

Role of physical therapist in hospice, « Caring with Confidence

Reach out: use local and online resources to better manage caregiving, « Caregiving Cafe Blog 
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