Saturday, December 22, 2012

Caregiving and Hospice, December 16 - December 22, 2012

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Lovely! Celebrating the Gifts of the Season « Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation

When “Knowing” Changes Everything: The value of “mapping” end-of-life pathways,

Touching! "Doctor makes house calls, brings understanding ways," via @KPNapaSolano

Beautiful! Hospice nurse uses hand portraiture to support families: Loving Hands, « ADVANCE for Nurses

Check out these helpful and informative podcasts on hospice,  from @hfahospice and @irabyock

Excellent! Dr. Rob on the real meaning of Christmas, « Musings of a Distractible Mind

Brilliant! A new approach to health care from a Primary Care MD,

Anger in caregiving: Some suggestions to help keep you in the right frame of mind, 

An important message about self-care for hospice workers in the wake of tragedy, from @NHPCO_news via @hospicepharmacy 
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