Monday, November 12, 2012

Coping with the Holidays: Suggested Resources, 2012

If you find special days (holidays, birthdays, death day anniversaries and the like) to be more than you can bear, please know that you are not alone. Support is available! Many community agencies make an extra effort to provide  programs to help you cope with special days, especially at this challenging time of year. Contact your local hospice, funeral home, or healthcare organization to learn what offerings and services are open to you.

In addition, the Internet is a rich and abundant resource where you can find and read any number of articles, books and tips aimed at helping you discover practical and creative ways to get through these difficult days. What follows is a list of links to many such resources ~ and if you know of any not listed that you'd like to see included, please feel free to add them in the Comments section below.

All I Wanted for Christmas Was My Family, by Audrey Stringer

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