- Important information on handling a violent care recipient, http://aarp.us/Qo2LZC by @SallyAbrahms via @AARP
- Helping Teens and Families Cope with Terminal Illness, http://bit.ly/POr9Pv via @hospicepharmacy
- Words matter! Not a Cancer Survivor, http://j.mp/UyGsPJ « The New York Times
- Palliative care expert says: Have your end-of-life wishes in black and white, http://j.mp/RU2bgY
- When I go: Advance directives protect your last wishes, http://j.mp/NgrE7G
- Shopping for a Nursing Home? There's a Tool for That, http://j.mp/RH03NE
- Top 10 Ways To Use Music in Caregiving, http://j.mp/Qemxa3 « Soundscape Music Therapy
- Hospice chaplain on the privilege of listening to people at the end of life, http://shar.es/7Sffj from @SolariHospice via @sharethis
- Hospice: Why Family Members Wait Too Long to Call, http://j.mp/PRFgUg « AgingCare.com
- How to Get Your Loved One to Accept an Elder Companion, http://ow.ly/dsqzx via @caring
- Interview with a GE Care Innovations technology expert, http://ow.ly/drVvw by @Seniors4Living
- Want to die a better death? State-specific end-of-life hospice forms available at http://j.mp/OZdW7o via @AmyGetter « Caring Connections
- Protect your right to make crucial health decisions, http://fb.me/1yis5Xkkm « Harvard Health Publications
- Amazing story: We have kept Daddy out of heaven too long already, http://is.gd/MzjAJi from @bradsavage via @kevinmd
- Families face difficult decision as hospice care grows, http://cjky.it/Sa5V4w
- Implementing dance movement therapy in a hospice facility. Spotlight on a board certified dance/movement therapist, http://buff.ly/Pozcou