[Reviewed and updated June 18, 2023]
There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. ~ Mary Ellen Chase
Helping children understand death and the powerful emotions that come with any disappointment or loss is not easy, especially when other members of the family may be grieving, too. When adults are struggling with major life events such as divorce, serious illness, an accident, fire, natural disaster, a crisis in the world or the death of someone close, children may feel lost, frightened and confused. Under such circumstances, they need stable and consistent attention from their caregivers, accurate and factual information, and freedom to ask questions and express their feelings. Like the adults around them, they need time to explore and come to terms with the meaning of their loss.
One of the most effective ways to help children understand normal grief reactions ~ their own and that of the people around them ~ is to tell them a story, or you can read together one of the many wonderful
children's books now available on loss, dying, death and grief.