- In honor of National Health Decisions Day, check out all the posts on @Pallimed about advance care, http://hpm.md/hk4Tdw by @ctsinclair via @ewidera @NHDD
- Hospice of the Valley volunteer provides respite, keeps memories, http://goo.gl/W4ln7 via @CeCeTodd
- Video: Tips for family meetings http://bit.ly/geNM6n by @graceful_aging via @ShelleyWebbRN
- Helping hospice patients nationwide keep their pets, pay for pet food, vet and grooming costs, @petpeaceofmind
- People don’t know all that hospice can do for them and how little it costs, http://bit.ly/gnGUK0 via @hospicepharmacy
- Nurse fulfills dog lover’s last wish, http://bit.ly/egReTW via @hospicepharmacy
- April 16 is National Health Care Decisions Day. Will you Have The Talk? @NHDD can help, http://bit.ly/eUd3HA
- At the breaking point in caregiving? Save yourself! http://bit.ly/i38wXV via @caregiverblog
- End-of-life planning eases suffering, http://bit.ly/hxrcbj via @seniorlivewell @hospicecny
- Adult Failure to Thrive (AFT) and how hospice can help http://ow.ly/4zCUV by @hospicecomfortr via @ctffox
- Hospice volunteer urges other men to sacrifice their time http://bit.ly/eONg6s via @hospicepharmacy
- Great conversation on "The Messy Business of Dying," http://bit.ly/gfw3Pl via @ECRI_Institute @NHDD
- Politics mustn't silence end-of-life talks, http://usat.ly/fPZr6j
- At the End of Life, Sometimes Less Is More, http://bit.ly/hiBxQV via @hospicepharmacy
- Roger Ebert: Remaking my voice | Inspiring Video on TED.com, http://bit.ly/ekONlB
- Redesigned Medicare Caregiver Site: a Graphical Tour, http://wp.me/pGnzI-1LI by @AsOurParentsAge
- Celebrating National Volunteer Week, http://bit.ly/eiH2aw
- Caring for a Loved One with Chronic Pain: Four Caregiving Cornerstones, http://huff.to/hyFhtQ via @huffingtonpost
- Military Families Week: Putting the Spotlight on Sacrifices of Those Left Behind, http://huff.to/hN0vmk via @huffingtonpost
- Stan Goldberg on Caregiving: We’re Not Mother Teresa, http://bit.ly/gNhqns
- National Volunteer Week, April 10 - 16: press release and proclamation, http://bit.ly/fpElvq by @NHPCO_news
- Death is a topic few want to discuss. But ignorance makes caregiving harder, http://bit.ly/gnGreV
- Imagine getting a letter from your Mom years after she passes, http://ow.ly/4wY0j via @CaregiverTweets
- On caregiving: "Some days, I want to run away," http://bit.ly/e6B1Yz by @phatkathy via @caregiving