Other News of Interest, June 27 - July 3
Grief Healing's
Twitter stream this week:
- Not surprising! @ @: Patient satisfaction scores improve when doctors sit,
- @: Guest writers on grief, loss, and healing topics welcomed! Email your writing to...
- @ @ @: Proposed DSM Changes at Psychiatrists’ Meeting,
- @: Great article @, Practical Suggestions for Finding a Good Therapist,
- Terrific read! RT @: Do you play well with your spouse's ex?
- Another reason to treasure them! Dog Sniffs Out Prostate Cancer in Small Study
- Amen! Value doctors as listeners to prevent primary care burn out,
- Just announced: Afterlife Awareness Conference to be held in Phoenix, April 29 - May 1, 2011,
- Terrific read! RT @: Do you play well with your spouse's ex?
- @: We all yearn to be loved and accepted: Hurtful Words,